Name :Johny Nguyen
IGN :NinjaBoi if Gm It will be [GM]Johny
Position Applying For :GM/Admin
Real Name:Johny Nguyen
TimeZone:Pacific Time
GM Experience(Show Prove):I have experience in being GM because my cousin made a server LegendaryMs and I got to be gm.
What Can You Do To Help The Server:I will do alot of events so more people could join and ill get my friends to join.Everyday i will go on and tell the server to vote for the server
If you caught a friend hacking what would you do?:I would give them a warning by jailing them for 30 min and when they hack again i will ban them
What can you do to promote the server?:I will tell the server to vote for colorMs Everyday.
Will You Quit ColorMS If U Didn't Get Selected:No why would I do that I love this server
How Long Do You Play Each Day:4 hours a day because i have school and if i dont have school i will be on 7 hours
Finally , Do You Pledge you wont abuse your power under any circumstances???:I pledge i will not use my power for bad and not abuse them